Nicko Weidel
RBC Events
I made Key Visual system for series of events and department of RBC team which made whole cycle of organisation forums, conferences, webinars and etc.
My roles
Graphic designer


RBC hosts regular and occasional events, global and chamber, on own platforms and in public places, but all of them require a similar set of digital materials.

The main goal was to simplify the process of media production.

The system involves dividing layout content into branding blocks, service blocks, and a key visual area.

Individual events retain their identity, but visually follow the same graphic language.

As you see, the event was supposed to have white and dark themes to better adapt to different environments.

Switching between white and black layouts is implemented with full care for design consistency.

For various reasons, in some cases, the preparation of materials with 3D content is not rational. But the style is able to easily adapt to flat graphics without losing expressiveness.

On the example of one of most finished events RBC.TECH, you can saw metamorphosis of key fisual, and as well as how flexible it adapts to different contexts — in flat and in 3D.

Unfortunately, all the events was freezed because of war which Russian government unleashed against neighborly brotherly folks of Ukraine and against the Russians themselves.

All the stuff was archived by the best times, but this fact does not matter in light of all the other scary and awfull things.

Make love not war.